*Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube Channels, Reddit, Pinterest Articles Reader.
Enter a user's Twitter, Google Plus, Reddit, Pinterest URL, YouTube Channels (not support all channels).
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2pmfLm7iq6Ov1UwYrWYkZA, https://www.youtube.com/user/QueenVEVO
https://www.reddit.com/r/popular, https://www.reddit.com/r/popular/new/
https://www.reddit.com/search?q=movie&sort=relevance (search)
https://www.pinterest.com/{username}/ or https://www.pinterest.com/{username}/{board}/
https://twitter.com/space, https://twitter.com/search?q=space&lang=en (search)
https://plus.google.com/1234567890, https://plus.google.com/+NASA (deprecated)
"RSS URLs" Previous history: AccessKey+K, Alt+K, Ctrl+Opt+K(Mac)...
"RSS URLs" Next history: AccessKey+L, Alt+L, Ctrl+Opt+L(Mac)...
"Merge & Read RSS": AccessKey+S, Alt+S, Ctrl+Opt+S(Mac)...
"Select all": AccessKey+A, Alt+A, Ctrl+Opt+A(Mac)...
"Prev": AccessKey+Q, Alt+Q, Ctrl+Opt+Q(Mac)...
"Next": AccessKey+W, Alt+W, Ctrl+Opt+W(Mac)... What is a Access key?
*Användare Query
"{userquery}" in the RSS URL will be replaced with this value.
Add a feed entry to the storage, The maximum possible number is 300 feed entries.
Kombinera flera RSS-flöden till en. Nu kommer du att kunna läsa en enkel RSS-flöde genom att slå samman RSS-flöden.
Installationen är mycket enkel. Inställningarna sparas bara på webbläsarens lokal lagring.
1. Enter the URLs of the feeds you want to merge
2. Specify sort type and Specify result number per a RSS URL.
3. Click "Merge & Read RSS" button.
A useful RSS reader, Podcast player with RSS merge. Read RSS feeds and podcasts!
You can also read Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube Channels, Reddit, Pinterest URL just like RSS feeds.