*Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube Channels, Reddit, Pinterest Articles Reader.
Enter a user's Twitter, Google Plus, Reddit, Pinterest URL, YouTube Channels (not support all channels).
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2pmfLm7iq6Ov1UwYrWYkZA, https://www.youtube.com/user/QueenVEVO
https://www.reddit.com/r/popular, https://www.reddit.com/r/popular/new/
https://www.reddit.com/search?q=movie&sort=relevance (search)
https://www.pinterest.com/{username}/ or https://www.pinterest.com/{username}/{board}/
https://twitter.com/space, https://twitter.com/search?q=space&lang=en (search)
https://plus.google.com/1234567890, https://plus.google.com/+NASA (deprecated)
"RSS URLs" Previous history: AccessKey+K, Alt+K, Ctrl+Opt+K(Mac)...
"RSS URLs" Next history: AccessKey+L, Alt+L, Ctrl+Opt+L(Mac)...
"Merge & Read RSS": AccessKey+S, Alt+S, Ctrl+Opt+S(Mac)...
"Select all": AccessKey+A, Alt+A, Ctrl+Opt+A(Mac)...
"Prev": AccessKey+Q, Alt+Q, Ctrl+Opt+Q(Mac)...
"Next": AccessKey+W, Alt+W, Ctrl+Opt+W(Mac)... What is a Access key?
*Käyttäjä Kysely
"{userquery}" in the RSS URL will be replaced with this value.
Add a feed entry to the storage, The maximum possible number is 300 feed entries.
Useiden RSS-syötteitä yhdeksi. Nyt voit lukea yhden RSS-syötteen yhdistämällä RSS-syötteitä.
Asennus on erittäin yksinkertainen. Asetukset tallentuvat vain selaimen paikallista tallennusta.
1. Enter the URLs of the feeds you want to merge
2. Specify sort type and Specify result number per a RSS URL.
3. Click "Merge & Read RSS" button.
A useful RSS reader, Podcast player with RSS merge. Read RSS feeds and podcasts!
You can also read Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube Channels, Reddit, Pinterest URL just like RSS feeds.